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金海湾  >  论坛首页  >  高新科技  >  界天才霍金教授从高层的自我否定【宇宙大爆炸等理论】进一步暴露?承认?世界物理学的总危机?



来源:newtonli123@newtonli123 9/12/2010 10:09:00 PM


Professor Hawking, the world's talent level of self-denial [such as the Big Bang theory] for further exposure? Recognition? General crisis of the world of physics?
就霍金新著『The Grand Design』一书9月3日披露部分要点引起世界强力评论。Newton.li物理学家,非常欢迎英国数学天文学家霍金,在世界物理学家,科学精英用大量事实揭露不少传统物理学和天文物理学等理论错误的情况下,开始觉醒。让霍金猛然从原错误理论思想中退出…..? 让他得以在世界出名的[时间简史],曾受到世界不少科学精英的反对,newton.li 物理学家,更是用LMPN物理学理论,多次对『The Grand Design』的错误,希格斯,霍金的错误理论和说法进行直接批评,和在全世界范围内多次进行批评。让他在[A Brief History of Time]中,以神论为中心,以一个小质点为宇宙大爆炸中心的说法和理论…..发生重大改变?从最近的一字不提大爆炸的事情,到猛然披露『The Grand Design』一书中的内容,完全改变原来错误的说法。知错改错当然受到全世界的欢迎。其要点有41.否定有神的存在(神的存在找不到任何或无限的事实和证据)。2.承认引力法则的存在(自然否定爱因斯坦的时空论)3 宇宙是自然生成(而不是大爆炸?)。4.地球与太阳的距离,以及质量等关系,造就了地球的特殊环境,太阳系之外还有……。(承认多中心的存在)。




Professor Hawking, the world's talent level of self-denial [such as the Big Bang theory] for further exposure? Recognition? General crisis of the world of physics?


Hawking's new book on The Grand Design 』『 book revealed some of Sept. 3 points lead to strong reviews in the world.
Newton.li physicist Stephen Hawking is very welcome to the British mathematical astronomers, physicists in the world, the scientific elite with a lot of facts to expose many traditional theories of physics and astrophysics case of errors and the awakening. Let the error from the original theory of Hawking suddenly thought out ... ..? Allowing him famous in the world [Brief History of Time], had been subjected to many scientific elite against the world, newton.li physicists, but physics is LMPN theory, many times 』『 The Grand Design errors, Higgs, Hawking's erroneous theory and claims of direct criticism, and repeated worldwide criticism. Let him [A Brief History of Time] in the center of God to a small mass for the center of the Big Bang theory to say and a significant change ... ..? The mention of the recent explosion of things, to suddenly disclose 』『 The Grand Design of the contents of the book, complete change in the original wrong. Mistakes and wrongs of course be welcomed around the world. The main points are 4.1. Deny the existence of God (the existence of God or the infinite can not find any facts and evidence). 2. Recognize the existence of gravitational law (natural negation of Einstein's space-time) 3 universe is naturally occurring (rather than the big bang?). 4. The distance between Earth and sun, and the quality of relationships, creating the special environment of the Earth, the solar system outside of there ... .... (Recognition of the existence of multi-center).
And many critics, science and people's eyes deliberately introduced religion, said Hawking's speech is a God of the biggest challenges and impact, while the cover of the general crisis of modern physics, atomic theory, relativity, universe explosion of ... .. LHC ... engineering the crisis. Cast doubt on whether or not to have to do as the Copernican era, history of a progressive, people have to mobilize the various era of "religious" forces to siege the awakening sense of science? Suppress the new version? Shovel out the new theory? The siege is the Hawking, but to crush and beheadings may be newton.li? The reason is historical progress always affect the rights and interests of some people. More people tried to stop their false "scientific faith" is a center of atomic theory, and light for the two relativistic center, a center of the universe's big bang theory, no factual basis for the demise of all other centers and the weakness of . Certainly worthy of human vigilance! And human beings, including the value of our theology, is a useful component of morality, rather than those unfounded myth can never be achieved. While ethics is, free and democratic supervision, and we have to monitor the nature of composition. Left the natural order of the universe and nature, not to the masses mutual education increased for all wrongful acts, freedom to criticize, the power to conduct oversight at all levels of freedom, then there is What moral. By the same token, whether physical theories, theology, religious theory, political theory, is about human thinking, behavior, and even the university of life that great theory. Any great man, saints, national universities, said the creation of these great theories, we should all be responsible to the human, not an irresponsible Hubian heresy, be considered moral? However, the standard should be a specific infinite factual basis, subject to all the recognition and support, to accept and withstand the Piping Ren Lei, Jian Du and Tiao Zhan, is correct, Fu Zhai any theory. That is a moral, but does not allow criticism, supervision, and to prohibit any person to oversee and criticize the theory and behavior, be considered moral? The criticism and supervision into different era prison, jail, siege, crucifixion, stoning, burning alive, would be considered to be cut off his head there is a moral?
Hope that all the critics, the scientific nature of the problem one can face, quickly awakening, conversion right ideas and theories. Hawking did so generous as can be to admit any mistakes, errors were found on the reform, so that all this "God" to please, and become the world's truly elite and great man.
Newton.li 2010-9-12 -