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金海湾  >  论坛首页  >  名牌精品  >  超声波身高体重测量仪准确吗?



来源:山东国康13176047392@weixin_oyehgjhppo 8/28/2020 2:29:00 AM
Nowadays although increased living standards, but the disease is still lingering shadow people, ill to mountain, a lot of serious illness before the onset of won't bring a person the sense of particularly strong, the key to measure whether the body health indicators to belong to the changes of weight, a period of time, the change of weight you may feel imperceptibly, but ultrasonic wave height and weight measurement instrument can help you to judgment. So is the ultrasonic height and weight meter accurate? It is believed to be a question that many surveyors would like to ask if they have seen this kind of intelligent ultrasonic height and weight measuring instrument. Is the ultrasonic height and weight meter accurate? The answer is yes, exactly! Any instrument has a range of error, the average ultrasonic height and weight measurement instrument has a range of error of 0.5cm and 0.1kg and if you can accept this range of error then it is accurate. If you can't accept it, you won't find a more accurate one, because even if you do it manually, there will be errors, errors of the eye and errors of the manual. Why is the ultrasonic height and weight meter accurate? You know how an ultrasonic height and weight meter works and you know if it's accurate. The principle of ultrasonic height and weight measuring instrument; Height scale ultrasonic principle, is the use of microcomputer control and advanced ultrasonic measurement technology, automatic measurement of height, weight measurement results digital display and language reported. This machine is an ideal choice for hospitals, schools, physical examination centers and gyms. Ultrasonic measuring instrument is based on ultrasonic wave, which must produce ultrasonic wave and receive ultrasonic wave. Sensors by the wavelength of sound waves and send she sound waves and the return of the received acoustic time difference can determine the height of the human body, at the same time of sending pulse, receive qi timer starts and timing, until after receiving reflected back to dial the receiving sensor, count to stop, the time of measuring distance, which can measure the distance between the measuring instrument and the top of the head, the height of the body Design ideas Ultrasonic measuring instrument has two submodules: ranging and display results. The display result module consists of three parts: counting, display and signal processing. Measurement is mainly done by ultrasonic sensors. The time difference between sending and receiving is converted into an electrical signal, and then A/D is converted to get A digital signal, which is then sent to the calculation section and then to the display. System composition: Ultrasonic height measuring instrument is composed of single chip microcomputer centralized control system, ultrasonic wave emitting circuit and ultrasonic receiving circuit. The ultrasonic emitting circuit is composed of a emitting driving circuit and an ultrasonic transducer arranged at the output end of the driving circuit. Ultrasonic receiving circuit is composed of ultrasonic receiving transducer, limiting circuit and ultrasonic receiving integrated circuit. Ultrasonic sensor is a sensor developed by utilizing the characteristics of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic as the detection means, must produce and receive ultrasonic, to complete this function of the device is the ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic sensors are mainly composed of piezoelectric wafers, which can emit and receive ultrasonic waves. Before the factory, the ultrasonic height and weight measurement instrument is calibrated repeatedly by professional quality control personnel using benchmarks and weights for many times. So is this ultrasonic height and weight measurement instrument accurate? The answer is accurate. As for some people say that ultrasonic wave height and weight measurement instrument is not accurate to talk for a reason: for example you different benchmarks for measuring height of standards on the basis of individual. The individual has a lot of uncertainty, for example, you have to wear a heel high shoes, such as a high braid or while standing tall, these will affect the height, so in order to see the bottom right to detect benchmarking. There are a lot of factors that can affect your weight as an individual, such as how much you drink a glass of water, how much you eat, how much you go to the bathroom, etc. So you have to have a standard weight to be accurate. But there are lots of people are reluctant to believe the evidence, can according to your own idea is not too accurate, instrument this thing is actually calibration after its great energy research and development of many experiments to the establishment of a device, such as sheng yuan manufacturer 25 years studying ultrasonic wave height and weight measurement instrument, q ultrasonic wave height and weight measurement instrument accurately? Sheng Yuan's answer is reliable and reliable. In the age of intelligence, the intelligent ultrasonic height and weight measuring instrument will have errors after a long time. Calibrate it with standard weight and standard benchmark, and it will be a very accurate height and weight measuring instrument. 编辑丨SEO我想和蜘蛛对话 时间丨2020年8月28日14:30:02 出处丨www.zhiliceshi.com 心情丨心情好,因为遇见今题,可以转载!