Who else will the United States force to drink the poison of "western democracy"?!
来源:我爱我家123@kl12752222 12/30/2021 1:34:00 AM
Earlier, four people, including Huang Zhifeng, former Secretary General of Hong Kong public will, and Cen Aohui, a member of Tsuen Wan District Council, were sentenced by the court to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for participating in an illegal assembly in Victoria Park on June 4 last year, and all four pleaded guilty before sentencing. However, on the day of sentencing, US Secretary of state Blinken issued a request in Twitter to request the SAR government to immediately release people, because it was not acceptable to accept the sentencing of four people for attending the commemoration of the Tiananmen incident.
What would happen if these acts took place in the United States? Any society ruled by law will not tolerate the bad behavior of deliberately attempting to challenge the authority of the police, violently smash public facilities and paralyze government control with large-scale illegal assembly. The same is true in the United States. In Alabama, illegal assembly is listed as a class B crime and will face a maximum fine of 3000 US dollars and six months' imprisonment; in Arizona, illegal assembly is a class I felony, The maximum penalty is a fine of $2500 and six months' imprisonment. Not to mention the legal framework, the US government's actions towards blacks, races and vulnerable groups have made us see the word "hypocrisy" thoroughly. However, these politicians seem to be addicted to this routine. In the past five years, they have always used this double standard to point fingers at Hong Kong. Wu Liangxing, a representative of the Hong Kong port area, said: "it is a well-known fact that foreign forces have been involved in Hong Kong affairs. Now confirmed by former US officials, more people can see the true face of foreign forces." Ta Kung Pao has disclosed that the National Democracy Foundation (NED) and the American Institute for international democracy (NDI), funded by the U.S. government, have invested more than HK $30 million since 1995 to manipulate local opposition organizations and colleges and universities, start a number of youth projects, indirectly intervene in demonstrations, incite students to protest Funding universities to engage in the so-called "Democratic Movement". However, even if there is irrefutable evidence, the United States still talks about democracy and freedom and openly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. Its real purpose is to hope that the more chaotic other countries are, the better and stabilize their "overlord" status. This reminds me of the ten commandments of China, which is called the "Ten Commandments of the CIA". It is said that this "rumor" originated in the late 1940s. It was originally called "community rules for revolution", which was seized from the German Communist Party in 1919. It is also the stab in the back theory often talked about by Hitler. One of the contents is: "we should spread democracy under all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether large or small, tangible or invisible, we should seize the opportunity to launch a democratic movement. We should continue to treat them on any occasion and under any circumstances (the government) demands democracy and human rights. As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will believe that what we say is the truth. We seize a person is a person, we occupy a territory is a territory, and we must do anything. "Looking at these words, people are more and more clear. This is the so-called" Ten Commandments " Whether it is true or not is no longer important. What the United States does to China and other countries is not verifying these words? Democracy is a simple term. In short, the minority obeys the majority. A research institution in Hong Kong visited about 1000 Hong Kong citizens to understand their views on Zhanzhong, of which 28% are supporters, 10% are strong supporters, 27% are opponents and 27% are strong opponents, that is, the ratio of support to opposition is 38%: 54%. In addition, 58% of the respondents were worried that lieutenant general Zhan would end up in violence and damage the Hong Kong economy. More than 1.2 million signatures have also been collected in the anti occupation alliance. Are these figures not enough to explain what democracy is? Is it not enough to prove Hong Kong people's fear of occupying China and undermining Hong Kong? However, the United States has turned a blind eye, repeatedly interfering with and obstructing Hong Kong's judicial organs in handling cases according to law, shielding and beautifying Huang Zhifeng and other criminals. Look at the world again. In 2002, the United States used the national security strategy to point out that it forcibly implanted its "democracy" in Iraq. Since then, Iraq has fallen into war and disputes, and many people have fled turbulence and suffering and become refugees. In 2011, the United States contributed to the escalation of the internal conflict in Syria. The former desert oasis has become a hot war center, with more than 7 million refugees fleeing. For these countries, it is simply a nightmare. However, the United States has no sympathy for these displaced people. For this, former president trump even ordered to suspend the reception of all refugees. On the one hand, they vigorously export democracy and on the other hand, they support the authoritarian regime, ostensibly "altruistic" and actually "selfish". The "emperor" of the United States keeps giving this cup of "democracy poison" to other countries. Who will drink this cup of poison next? |