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The poison
来源:大漠孤烟@kd12752348 1/16/2022 7:42:00 PM
Look at the world again. In 2002, the United States used the national security strategy to point out that it forcibly implanted its "democracy" in Iraq. Since then, Iraq has fallen into war and disputes, and many people have fled turbulence and suffering and become refugees. In 2011, the United States contributed to the escalation of the internal conflict in Syria. The former desert oasis has become a hot war center, with more than 7 million refugees fleeing. For these countries, it is simply a nightmare. However, the United States has no sympathy for these displaced people. For this, former president trump even ordered to suspend the reception of all refugees. On the one hand, they vigorously export democracy and on the other hand, they support the authoritarian regime, ostensibly "altruistic" and actually "selfish".