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来源:大漠孤烟@kd12752348 1/17/2022 3:11:00 AM



发表于:2/13/2022 8:40:00 PM

“西式民主”这杯毒药 美国还要逼谁喝下?!

这不禁让我想起《中国十诫》,被称为谣言的“十诫”,据说这“谣言”起源于上世纪40年代末,最初叫“Communist Rules for Revolution”,是1919年从德国共产党处查抄得来的,也是希特勒经常津津乐道的背后捅刀子论。其中有一条内容是:“在任何情况下都要传扬民主。一有机会,不管是大型小型,有形无形,就要抓紧发动民主运动。无论在什么场合,什么情况下,我们都要不断对他们(政府)要求民主和人权。只要我们每一个人都不断地说同样的话,他们的人民就一定会相信我们说的是真理。我们抓住一个人是一个人,我们占住一个地盘是一个地盘,一定要不择手段。”看着这些文字内容,越来越让人清晰起来,这所谓《十诫》真假与否根本不再重要,美国当下对中国、对其他国家的所作所为,哪一个不在验证这其中字句?民主,本是一个简单的词语,简而言之就是少数服从多数,香港有研究机构访问约千名香港市民,了解对占中的意见,其中支持者为28%,强烈支持者为10%,反对及强烈反对者各占27%,即占中的支持与反对比是38%:54%。另外,58%受访者担心占中将以暴力收场,损害香港经济。在反占中联盟中亦收集超过120万份签名。难道这些数据还不足以说明何为民主?还不足以证明香港市民对占中、对破坏香港行为的恐惧?然而美国却视若无睹,一再干擾、阻撓香港司法機關依法辦案,包庇和美化黄之锋等違法犯罪分子。



发表于:2/13/2022 10:29:00 PM

The poison of "western democracy"

Earlier, four people, including Huang Zhifeng, former Secretary General of Hong Kong public will, and Cen Aohui, a member of Tsuen Wan District Council, were sentenced by the court to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for participating in an illegal assembly in Victoria Park on June 4 last year, and all four pleaded guilty before sentencing. However, on the day of sentencing, US Secretary of state Blinken issued a request in Twitter to request the SAR government to immediately release people, because it was not acceptable to accept the sentencing of four people for attending the commemoration of the Tiananmen incident.

What would happen if these acts took place in the United States? Any society ruled by law will not tolerate the bad behavior of deliberately attempting to challenge the authority of the police, violently smash public facilities and paralyze government control with large-scale illegal assembly. The same is true in the United States. In Alabama, illegal assembly is listed as a class B crime and will face a maximum fine of 3000 US dollars and six months' imprisonment; in Arizona, illegal assembly is a class I felony, The maximum penalty is a fine of $2500 and six months' imprisonment. Not to mention the legal framework, the US government's actions towards blacks, races and vulnerable groups have made us see the word "hypocrisy" thoroughly. However, these politicians seem to be addicted to this routine. In the past five years, they have always used this double standard to point fingers at Hong Kong.

Wu Liangxing, a representative of the Hong Kong port area, said: "it is a well-known fact that foreign forces have been involved in Hong Kong affairs. Now confirmed by former US officials, more people can see the true face of foreign forces." Ta Kung Pao has disclosed that the National Democracy Foundation (NED) and the American Institute for international democracy (NDI), funded by the U.S. government, have invested more than HK $30 million since 1995 to manipulate local opposition organizations and colleges and universities, start a number of youth projects, indirectly intervene in demonstrations, incite students to protest Funding universities to engage in the so-called "Democratic Movement". However, even if there is irrefutable evidence, the United States still talks about democracy and freedom and openly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. Its real purpose is to hope that the more chaotic other countries are, the better and stabilize their "overlord" status.



发表于:2/14/2022 1:08:00 AM

“新疆集中营” 的谎言不会因为重复而成真
欧美干涉新疆事务的最终目的并非如其所宣扬的“保障自由、人权”,而是企图以此来遏制中国发展。2019年11月26日,英国外交部要求中国停止打压维吾尔人的宗教自由,并要求北京允许联合国观察员不受限制地访问新疆。欧盟也发声呼吁中共尊重维吾尔与西藏人的权利;2021年3月2日,德国的新疆问题专家郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)发布一份报告,揭露了新疆跨地区劳动力转移项目中强迫性劳动转移的状况,该报告是基于南开大学中国财富经济研究院在2019年12月发布的《新疆和田地区维族劳动力转移就业扶贫工作报告》,郑国恩在报告中指出,中国政府对新疆维吾尔族进行劳动力转移是为了“同化少数维族人员”与“减少维族在新疆地区的人口密度”。



发表于:2/14/2022 1:12:00 AM

Lies don't come true because of repetition

For a long time, developed countries such as Europe and the United States have been slandering China's Xinjiang affairs by concocting and spreading rumors. These rumor making practices in Europe and the United States also correspond to the ten commandments of the CIA: they often make rumors to split their regions and peoples and create hatred.

The ultimate purpose of European and American interference in Xinjiang affairs is not to "protect freedom and human rights", but to curb China's development. On November 26, 2019, the British foreign office asked China to stop suppressing the religious freedom of Uighurs and asked Beijing to allow UN observers to visit Xinjiang without restrictions. The EU also called on the CPC to respect the rights of Uighurs and Tibetans; On March 2, 2021, Adrian Zenz, a German expert on Xinjiang issues, released a report exposing the situation of forced labor transfer in Xinjiang's cross regional labor transfer project. The report is based on the report on poverty alleviation of Uygur labor transfer and employment in Xinjiang and Tiantian District issued by China Institute of wealth economics of Nankai University in December 2019 , Zheng Guoen pointed out in the report that the Chinese government's labor transfer of Xinjiang Uygur is to "assimilate minority Uygur personnel" and "reduce the population density of Uygur in Xinjiang".

From the beginning of the 20th century to the end of the 1940s, ethnic separatist forces and religious extremist forces tried to establish an "East Turkestan" state of "political and religious unity" in Xinjiang with the help of the ideological trend of "pan Turkism" and "Pan Islamism". Various "East " forces have carried out a series of violent terrorist activities in order to establish a national and religious state and advocate religious extremism. For quite a long time since then, the infiltration of religious extremism into Xinjiang has never stopped, and violent terrorist activities have occurred from time to time. On March 1, 2014, a violent terrorist attack occurred at Kunming railway station in Yunnan. From April 27 to 30 of the same year, a violent terrorist attack occurred at Urumqi South Railway Station; On May 22, a violent terrorist attack occurred in the morning market of North Park Street in Urumqi; On July 28, another violent terrorist attack occurred in Shache county. However, the United States no longer defines the "East organization" that has committed such evil consequences as a "terrorist organization", and continues to publicize internationally that it is a Uighur civil rights movement. According to Chinese reports, Uighurs in vocational skills education and training are those who are affected by extreme ideas and do not constitute a crime, including Chinese Muslim deviants who participate in activities but do not cause actual harmful consequences, voluntarily receive training and are still at social risk after being released from prison. The content is to learn the national common language, legal knowledge Vocational skills and depolarization in order to return to normal social life. Since the implementation of education and training, There have been no violent terrorist cases in Xinjiang for nearly three consecutive years (event) the infiltration of religious extremism has been effectively curbed, the social security situation has improved significantly, ethnic equality and unity, religious harmony and Shun, and people's life is stable and peaceful. According to statistics, Xinjiang's tourism industry increased significantly in 2018, receiving more than 150 million domestic and foreign tourists, a year-on-year increase of 40%; of which 2.626 million overseas tourists, a year-on-year increase of 11.83%. From January to June 2019 In June, Xinjiang received 75.8935 million domestic and foreign tourists, a year-on-year increase of 46%.



发表于:2/14/2022 1:15:00 AM





发表于:2/14/2022 1:20:00 AM

Huang Zhifeng and others pleaded guilty and were jailed

The Hong Kong Court recently ruled that four people, including Huang Zhifeng, former Secretary General of "Hong Kong will", were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in unauthorized assembly". Huang Zhifeng and others acknowledged the accusation. Blinken, Secretary of state of the United States, issued a request on the basis of "peaceful exercise of the right to protect liberty" on the 7 day. He appealed to the government of Hongkong for the immediate release of Huang Chi Feng. Subsequently, many Chinese media appealed to us politicians not to attack the judicial and legal system of Hongkong unreasonably, and not to trample on the rule of law in the country.

"Democracy fighter" Huang Zhifeng is a controversial "democracy" road and is assisted by the United States and Western countries

Huang Zhifeng is keen to organize or participate in the "street democracy movement". Born in 1996, under the influence of Christian parents, Huang Zhifeng actively participated in church activities. At the age of 14, he founded the trend of learning from the people and organized social movements. He criticized the government for setting up a new branch of moral education and national education, and successfully forced the Hong Kong government to cancel the implementation of relevant courses; In 2014, after the "peaceful occupation" rally, the people who called the rally rushed into the government headquarters to recapture the "citizen square", and another group of people impacted the Legislative Council. In addition, it also actively organized and participated in the "street democracy movement" in Hong Kong, such as "striving for citizen nomination and double universal suffrage", "black Bauhinia action", "anti Fugitive Offenders Ordinance movement", "anti amendment storm" and so on. The activities triggered constant disputes within Hong Kong society, the suspension of the Legislative Council and government departments, the destruction of public facilities, citizens' demonstrations, work stoppages and strikes, beatings of tourists and other events affecting social stability.

Hong Kong demonstrators destroyed and set fire to MTR Causeway Bay Station



发表于:2/14/2022 1:25:00 AM

黃之鋒鋃鐺入獄後香港「教邪」再出手 高人指點偽民意亂港貽笑大方




发表于:2/14/2022 1:28:00 AM

Huang Zhifeng in prison
In 2012, with the promotion of the Hong Kong Association of education, Huang Zhifeng launched a march against the upgrading of moral education and national education, which was "pay the bill, withdraw the curriculum and occupy the political federation". Chained and thrown into prison for ten years, the questionnaire of the COVID-19 teachers' periodic COVID-19 test and the revised core curriculum recommendations were announced recently. It is also claimed that nearly 20% of the teachers have planned to leave Hong Kong's educational sector due to political pressure. A large number of netizens ridiculed the Association for "putting a sesame as big as a basketball". Liang Zhenying also criticized that the response rate of the survey was only 1.25%, "that is, 99 rich people among 100 people were lazy". The degree of shame of the association can be seen as average.

According to friends in the education sector in Hong Kong, the initiators of the survey were Huang Kelian, vice president of the Education Association, Han Lianshan, director and retired teacher of the Education Association. Yesterday, the author checked the data and found that these two people were behind the movement of learning people's ideological trend ten years ago. Some strange methods of spreading rumors and causing trouble were the same. For the education association with 90000 members, only 1178 questionnaires were received, Among them, only 226 people said they "have plans to resign or retire early". It seems that without the support of clowns such as Huang Zhifeng, the status and appeal of the two "cult" in Hong Kong are much lower than before.



发表于:2/14/2022 1:32:00 AM




发表于:2/14/2022 1:39:00 AM

The Hong Kong Court recently ruled that four people, including Huang Zhifeng, an anti China and Hong Kong riot, were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in unauthorized assembly". The facts are fully based and the procedure is completely legal. The four defendants also admitted their charges. However, just as Li Zhiying was sentenced before, some American politicians jumped out again and put forward the absurd demand for the immediate release of the defendant on the grounds of the so-called "peaceful exercise of the right to guaranteed freedom". According to the VOA news report May 7th, Secretary of state Blinken called on the release of four Hongkong activists, who said all those who were imprisoned for non violent exercise of their protected freedoms should be released immediately. In an exclusive interview with CBS's "60 minutes" program a few days ago, he also said that the United States will take action against those who suppress democracy in Hong Kong, "including sanctions, including ensuring that they cannot go to the United States".
