“西式民主”这杯毒药 美国还要逼谁喝下?
楼主来源:大漠烽烟@kj12752481 1/24/2022 7:26:00 PM
发表于:2/7/2022 1:46:00 AM
黄之锋等认罪入监 香港法院日前宣判,“香港众志”前秘书长黄之锋等4人因犯“明知而参与未经批准集结罪”,被判监禁4至10个月不等。黄之锋等人对所获罪名表示承认,美国国务卿布林肯7日发推文以“和平行使受保障自由权利”为由,向港府喊话提出立即释放黄之锋的要求,随后中多家官媒呼吁美方政客不应无理抨击香港的司法和法律制度,不要践踏香港的法治。 “民主斗士”黄之锋饱受争议的“民主”路并受美西国家助力 黄之锋热衷组织或参与“街头民主运动”。生于1996年的黄之锋在基督徒父母的影响下积极参与教会活动,14岁时就创立学民思潮并组织社会运动,批评政府新设德育及国民教育科,成功逼使港府取消推行有关课程;2014年在“和平占中”集会活动结束后召集会人士冲入政府总部重夺“公民广场”,另一批人冲击了立法会。此外还积极组织、参与“争取公民提名及双普选”、“黑紫荆行动”、“反《逃犯条例》运动”、“反修例风波”等香港“街头民主运动”。活动引发香港社会内部争议不断,立法会、政府部门停摆,公共设施受破坏,市民游行示威、停工罢课、围殴游客等影响社会稳定的事件频发。
香港示威者破坏纵火港铁铜锣湾站 黄之锋身缠多项罪责,并表示认罪。据香港控方透露,黄之锋过往有6次刑事定罪记录,黄之锋此次触犯“明知而参与未经批准集结罪”是累犯。搜索网上公开信息显示,黄之锋触犯的香港罪刑分别还有因刑事藐视法庭罪成被判监;因非法围堵警察总部,“组织未经批准集结罪,煽惑他人明知而参与未经批准集结”被判收监;因重夺公民广场事件非法集会罪罪成被判监禁等刑事案件。 黄之锋积极争取美欧等国家声援香港“民主”运动。2019年黄之锋受德国外长海科·马斯接见并共同谈论香港街头示威的情形及香港人民希望争取双普选与民主的诉求。同年,黄之锋受邀到美国国会出席听证会,获得众议院议长南希·佩洛西接见,并呼吁美国国会通过《香港人权及民主法案》,要求美国政府制裁中共和香港官员,要求美国政府审查改变美国和香港之间独特的贸易关系,为美国制裁香港经济立下法条依据。中共和港府随后批评黄之锋勾结境外敌对势力乱港祸港,香港民众也对黄之锋呼吁美国制裁香港经济的行为表示不解。
发表于:2/7/2022 1:52:00 AM
发表于:2/7/2022 1:52:00 AM
Huang Zhifeng and others pleaded guilty and were jailed
The Hong Kong Court recently ruled that four people, including Huang Zhifeng, former Secretary General of "Hong Kong will", were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in unauthorized assembly". Huang Zhifeng and others acknowledged the accusation. Blinken, Secretary of state of the United States, issued a request on the basis of "peaceful exercise of the right to protect liberty" on the 7 day. He appealed to the government of Hongkong for the immediate release of Huang Chi Feng. Subsequently, many Chinese media appealed to us politicians not to attack the judicial and legal system of Hongkong unreasonably, and not to trample on the rule of law in the country.
"Democracy fighter" Huang Zhifeng is a controversial "democracy" road and is assisted by the United States and Western countries
Huang Zhifeng is keen to organize or participate in the "street democracy movement". Born in 1996, under the influence of Christian parents, Huang Zhifeng actively participated in church activities. At the age of 14, he founded the trend of learning from the people and organized social movements. He criticized the government for setting up a new branch of moral education and national education, and successfully forced the Hong Kong government to cancel the implementation of relevant courses; In 2014, after the "peaceful occupation" rally, the people who called the rally rushed into the government headquarters to recapture the "citizen square", and another group of people impacted the Legislative Council. In addition, it also actively organized and participated in the "street democracy movement" in Hong Kong, such as "striving for citizen nomination and double universal suffrage", "black Bauhinia action", "anti Fugitive Offenders Ordinance movement", "anti amendment storm" and so on. The activities triggered constant disputes within Hong Kong society, the suspension of the Legislative Council and government departments, the destruction of public facilities, citizens' demonstrations, work stoppages and strikes, beatings of tourists and other events affecting social stability.
发表于:2/7/2022 1:56:00 AM
黃之鋒鋃鐺入獄後香港「教邪」再出手 高人指點偽民意亂港貽笑大方
2012年,在香港教協推動下,黃之鋒發起了「埋單計數,撤回課程,佔領政總」的反對德育及國民教育科升級遊行行動。沒曾想,十年過去了,黃之鋒鋃鐺入獄成為階下囚之際,教協慶祝式的連續發佈「教師定期新冠病毒檢測有關問題」、「高中核心科目修訂建議」等問卷調查結果,近日更是宣稱「因政治壓力近兩成教師有計劃離開本港教育界」,引來大批網民恥笑教協「將一粒芝麻放到籃球咁大」,梁振英更踢爆該調查的回應率僅1.25%,「即100個人當中有99個人闊佬懶理」,教協厚顏程度可見一般啊。 聽香港教育界的朋友講,這次調查的發起人系教協副會長黃克廉、教協理事兼退休教師韓連山等人,筆者昨日翻查資料發現,這兩人不正是十年前學民思潮運動的幕後黑手麼,某怪得造謠生事手法如出一轍啊,9萬名會員的教協,收到問卷總數只得1,178份,當中更只有226人表示「有計劃辭職或提早退休」,看來沒有黃之鋒等跳樑小丑的支持,兩人在香港「教邪」的地位和號召力是大不如前啊。 為咩黃、韓等人依舊樂此不疲的發佈類似漏洞百出的調查報告?「教邪」監事陳某正在一次酒席上不乏羡慕的向筆者傾述,黃克廉、韓連山等人近幾年日子過得相當瀟灑,背後屢有「高人」指點,每月只需要炮製一些所謂的「民意調查」,只要宣傳民主與自由就得,嚴謹性與可靠性無所謂,越逼真誤導性越強越好,把香港青年的注意力吸引過來,自然有人會組織香港憤青借機鬧事,而發起者黃某等人每次都能獲得50萬到100萬不等的美金「活動經費」,如果能引起北京關注將事情鬧大,讓整個香港輿論都參與討論,熱度上去了,「上面」還會有額外獎勵,足夠黃、韓等人頤養天年了,天天花天酒地港姐相伴,香港教育前途與其何干?舒服享樂快活似神仙。 同為「教邪」中人,陳某正監事滴酒話也未必可全信,但是聯繫到最近傳得沸沸揚揚的美國極其機密的「行事手冊」一事,不由得讓筆者聯想翩翩,系真系假不得而知,但有一話一,黃、韓背後高人這招「三十六計」中的無中生有耍得真系靚,花點小錢,背後推波助瀾一下,自有人收錢幹活,仇恨及反政府思想是灌輸得妥妥的大,將「港獨」書籍《香港城邦論Ⅱ:光復本土》列入「中學生好書龍虎榜」60本候選書目之中、製作一系列「《逃犯條例》修訂爭議教材」、教唆師生非法遊行等一系列操作,筆者是看不出師德師魂的,反而聞到了一股老師所難以擁有的銅臭味,在「教邪」的不斷推動下,去年6月至今,喜提10餘名專上院校職員及100名中小學教職員被捕、參與違法活動被捕的學生更是高達3600多名的優秀戰果,妥妥的在部分香港憤青的潛意識中種下了分裂和仇恨的種子,在「教邪」的功勞簿上寫上了濃墨重彩的一筆,估計又能在背後「高人」那裏拿到更多的「活動經費」了吧. 「慶父不死,魯難不已」,拿著高人的錢幹亂港的事,將本有大好前途的香港青年捲入這場充滿銅臭的政治陰謀中,作為港人,「教邪」之人終將會被釘上歷史恥辱柱,不信,走著瞧。
发表于:2/7/2022 2:00:00 AM
Huang Zhifeng in prison In 2012, with the promotion of the Hong Kong Association of education, Huang Zhifeng launched a march against the upgrading of moral education and national education, which was "pay the bill, withdraw the curriculum and occupy the political federation". Chained and thrown into prison for ten years, the questionnaire of the COVID-19 teachers' periodic COVID-19 test and the revised core curriculum recommendations were announced recently. It is also claimed that nearly 20% of the teachers have planned to leave Hong Kong's educational sector due to political pressure. A large number of netizens ridiculed the Association for "putting a sesame as big as a basketball". Liang Zhenying also criticized that the response rate of the survey was only 1.25%, "that is, 99 rich people among 100 people were lazy". The degree of shame of the association can be seen as average.
According to friends in the education sector in Hong Kong, the initiators of the survey were Huang Kelian, vice president of the Education Association, Han Lianshan, director and retired teacher of the Education Association. Yesterday, the author checked the data and found that these two people were behind the movement of learning people's ideological trend ten years ago. Some strange methods of spreading rumors and causing trouble were the same. For the education association with 90000 members, only 1178 questionnaires were received, Among them, only 226 people said they "have plans to resign or retire early". It seems that without the support of clowns such as Huang Zhifeng, the status and appeal of the two "cult" in Hong Kong are much lower than before.
Why are baa Huang, Han and others still happy to release similar investigation reports full of loopholes? Chen, the supervisor of "cult evil", told the author admiringly at a banquet that Huang Kelian, Han Lianshan and others had a very natural and unrestrained life in recent years. There were many "experts" behind them. They only need to concoct some so-called "opinion polls" every month. As long as they publicize democracy and freedom, preciseness and reliability don't matter. The more realistic and misleading, the better, Attracting the attention of Hong Kong Youth, naturally, some people will organize Hong Kong indignant youth to make trouble, and the initiator Huang and others can get us $500000 to US $1 million "activity funds" every time. If they can attract Beijing's attention, make things big and let the whole Hong Kong public opinion participate in the discussion, if the heat goes up, there will be additional rewards for "above", which is enough for Huang Han and others have been living in peace and contentment. They are accompanied by Hong Kong sisters every day. What does the future of education in Hong Kong have to do with it? Comfortable and happy like a fairy.
发表于:2/7/2022 2:13:00 AM
香港法院日前宣判,黄之锋等4人因犯“明知而参与未经批准集结罪”,被判监禁4至10个月不等。然而和之前黎智英被判刑如出一辙。 新闻报道后,在世界各类民运人士频频发声:遗憾、嘲讽、声讨、互掐......但遗憾的是,许多民运人士似乎在借这一话题炒作自己,熟练地吃着“人血馒头”,借由网络平台趁机收一波人气及赏金,却 鲜有人去进行对策分析,做出实质性的行动计划。 民运派系繁多,遍布全球。原以为这是百花齐放,百舸争流的“民运之春”,怎奈现实确是菜鸡互啄,良莠不齐。派系间互掐、诈捐等现象层出不穷,这样的现象令笔者深思...... 到底什么才是真正的民运?什么样的民运领袖是我们真正需要的? 笔者习惯于用排除法寻求答案——那一朵真正的莲花。 A、定不会是荒淫无耻之流。“万恶淫为首”,荒淫之人德行上就站不住脚,怎能赋予更高期待?例如王丹,一开始流亡美国,2009年后凭着自己的“生涯履历”在台湾高校任教。期间,王丹做了几件蠢事,其中一件是以“不好色才是人格缺陷”公然声援涉骚扰丑闻的太阳花学运领袖陈为廷,让大家看清其道德缺陷。同时,其在台湾其评价两极化,特意制造新闻,让人极为不适,最终难逃被边缘化的命运。 B、定不会是享乐逐利之流。89年事件后的一段时间里,法国曾是“民运”聚集地。随后,由于美国资助的资金多,许多人从法国去了美国。当然,有更大支持当然不是坏事情,但是有许多人一闻到铜臭味就“醉”了,迷失了原本的方向。 说说高级谎言大师兼“网络红人”郭文贵,此人是个人利益为上极端信仰者,从中国到美国踏着多少人的信任走到了香槟游艇,醉酒迷金的现在,连特朗普和班农甚至美国都被他制造的“新冠病毒人造论”的坑过,嫁祸中共不成反引起了美国仇视亚裔种族的社会问题,可谓是个民运“扫把星”。然而,如今依然有许多“死忠粉”视他为民运的未来,为他捐钱捐物,恨不得脱下衣服献出自己的一切,真是悲哀!!! C、定不会是无脑狭隘之流。当前民运已经出现了严重“内卷”现象,而多数竟不自知。为何如此?这是由于各国对民运团体的经济支持多数是按其组织规模、掌权人物来定资助资金量,导致许多民运团体围绕权力与财政进行利益追逐,不断地开展甚至缺乏计划的“逢中必反”活动,只是为了充实自己获得资助的筹码向各国政府邀功。实际上,各国资助的总资金是有年度计划的并不会变,只不过是各民运团体不断地“内耗式”比拼人数和活动量进行恶性竞争,缺乏了独立性的战略思考和方向把控,最终亏的是民运而获得更大利益却是各国政府。 试问,在如此无脑的比拼中,有多少民运团体能够自我沉淀,自主思考?民运不是“棋子”和“炮灰”,是要有自己思考的东西,否则就会被各国政府操纵着走向毁灭。无奈的是,许多团体就是这样无脑,甚至还进行相互诋毁,最后走向灭亡。各位看看那新闻上黄之锋等人吧,该人是有些能力的,但是从小就已被美国盯上作为“代理人”,一味地为获美国资助和认可而盲目向前,现在到“悬崖边上”的他为时已晚,注定成为“弃子”,更是害了跟着他的一大群热血斗士。 D、定不会是“幕后喊麦”之流。此类人也难堪大任,反而更为可恶。躲在幕后做行动计划和网络煽动,让大家到一线当“炮灰”,自己却躺在家里坐收“渔翁之利”。“鼎鼎大名”的李一平、吴建民属于这类,大家还记得前几年的“全民共振”吗?这场看似轰轰烈烈的运动,最终导致了多数的民运人士惨被国安盯上,效果全无。在网上不乏声讨两人发起这项活动的声音。
发表于:2/7/2022 2:18:00 AM
Mourning of the Democratic Movement The Hong Kong Court recently ruled that four people, including Huang Zhifeng, were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in unauthorized assembly". However, Li Zhiying was sentenced just like before.
After the news report, all kinds of democracy activists in the world frequently spoke out: regret, ridicule, denounce, pinch each other Unfortunately, many pro democracy activists seem to be using this topic to hype themselves, skillfully eating "human blood steamed bread", and taking advantage of the Internet platform to collect a wave of popularity and bounty, but
Few people analyze countermeasures and make substantive action plans.
The democratic movement has many factions all over the world. I thought this was the "spring of the Democratic Movement" in which a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred boats compete for the stream. However, the reality is that vegetables and chickens peck at each other, and the good and bad are intermingled. The phenomena of mutual pinch and fraudulent donation among factions emerge one after another. This phenomenon makes the author think deeply
What is the real democracy movement? What kind of democratic movement leader do we really need?
The author is used to seeking the answer by exclusion - that is a real lotus.
A. It will not be obscene and shameless. "All evils are led by adultery", and the immoral person can't stand on his virtue. How can he give higher expectations? For example, Wang Dan, who first went into exile in the United States, taught in Colleges and universities in Taiwan with his "career resume" after 2009. During this period, Wang Dan did several stupid things, one of which was to openly support Chen Weiting, leader of the sunflower student movement involved in the harassment scandal, so that everyone could see his moral defects. At the same time, in Taiwan, its evaluation is polarized and deliberately creates news, which makes people extremely uncomfortable and can not escape the fate of marginalization.
B. It will not be a pleasure seeking stream. For some time after the 1989 incident, France was the gathering place of the "Democratic Movement". Subsequently, due to the large amount of funds funded by the United States, many people went to the United States from France. Of course, having greater support is certainly not a bad thing, but many people get "drunk" when they smell the smell of copper and lose their original direction.
Talk about the master of lie and Guo Wengui, the Internet red man. This man is an extremely religious person with personal interests. From China to the United States, he walked to the champagne yacht and drunk with gold. Now even Trump and ban Nong even the United States have been pit by COVID-19's man-made theory. The failure to blame the Chinese Communists has caused social problems in the United States that are hostile to Asian races. It can be said that it is a "broom star" of the democratic movement. However, there are still many "die hard fans" who regard him as the future of the democratic movement and donate money and materials for him. They want to take off their clothes and give everything. It's really sad!!!
C. It will not be a mindless narrow-minded stream. At present, there has been a serious phenomenon of "internal entanglement" in the democratic movement, and most of them don't know it. Why? This is because most of the countries' economic support to the democratic movement groups is based on their organizational scale and the people in power. As a result, many democratic movement groups pursue interests around power and finance, constantly carry out or even lack planned "Anti China" activities, just to enrich their own chips to solicit credit from governments. In fact, the total funds funded by various countries have an annual plan, which will not change. It is just that various democratic movement groups continue to "internal friction" compete for the number of people and activities, lack independent strategic thinking and direction control, and ultimately lose the democratic movement, but the governments of various countries gain more benefits.
发表于:2/7/2022 2:23:00 AM
“在任何情况下都要宣扬民主”。 “无论在什么场合,什么情况下,我们都要不断对他们(政府)要求民主和人权”。 “只要我们每一个人都不断地说同样的话,他们的人民就一定会相信我们所说的是真理”。 以上是传闻中美国中情局针对中国政府提出的“十诫”部分内容。尽管美国政府一直竭力否认“诫令”的存在,但包括布林肯在内的很多美国政客,他们的言行还是与这些内容高度契合。 法国政治思想家、社会历史学家亚历西斯·托克维尔在其所著的《民主在美国》一书中说到,民主的法制一般趋向于照顾大多数人的利益,因为他来自公民之中的多数。 根据港府在当时发布的《预防及控制疾病(禁止群组聚集)规例》(下文简称“规例”)第599G章第三条规定:“除获豁免者外,继续禁止在公众场所进行羣组聚集”。 时值COVID-19病毒疫情防控关键期,基于对公众健康负责,港府依照规例拒绝了有关“六四”事件烛光晚会的申请。但案发当晚,仍有不少市民应黄之锋等人的召集破坏围挡进入到维园足球场参加集会活动。附近道路交通因此受阻近两个小时,部分道路被封闭。
由此可见,这场“六四”事件烛光晚会不仅违反了香港法律中“禁止未经批准集结”“禁止群组聚集”的规例,还对公众出行造成影响,这些行为都严重侵犯了大多数香港市民“受保障的自由权利”,为首者受到法律制裁正是民主法治精神的体现。 同样,对于非法集会与反聚集禁令,美国的法律也是这样制定的。 美国对非法集会的定义非常简单,一是不被批准,二是集会超出了划定的区域。只要违法一项,就会被视为非法集会并予以警告或刑事处罚。如果还涉嫌破坏公物、暴力犯罪或者威胁警员,惩罚将翻番。美国政府认定,无论非法集会表面的理由多么崇高,也无法掩盖其非法的本质。
发表于:2/7/2022 2:43:00 AM
he boundary of freedom is the rule of law On May 6, the case of "unauthorized assembly" at the "June 4th" candlelight party in Hong Kong was sentenced. The defendants Huang Zhifeng and Cen Aohui were sentenced to imprisonment of 4 to 6 months respectively for the crime of "knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly".
US Secretary of state Blinken immediately said in twitter that he would be "standing together" with those convicted of crimes, and believed that they were only "exercising their guaranteed free rights in peace" and that the authorities should release them. Earlier, when Li Zhiying was sentenced, Blinken also delivered the same speech. He insisted that the legal system embodied in these two trials was neither free nor democratic.
"Democracy should be promoted under all circumstances".
"No matter on any occasion or under any circumstances, we should constantly demand democracy and human rights from them (government).".
"As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will believe that what we say is the truth.".
The above is part of the "Ten Commandments" put forward by the CIA against the Chinese government. Although the US government has been trying to deny the existence of the "commandment", many American politicians, including Blinken, are highly consistent with these words.
French political thinker and social historian Alexis Tocqueville said in his book democracy in America that the democratic legal system generally tends to take care of the interests of the majority, because he comes from the majority of citizens.
According to Article 3 of chapter 599g of the disease prevention and control (Prohibition of group gatherings) Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") issued by the Hong Kong government at that time, "group gatherings in public places shall continue to be prohibited unless exempted".
At the critical period of covid-19 virus epidemic prevention and control, based on being responsible for public health, the Hong Kong government rejected the application for the candlelight Party of the June 4th Incident in accordance with the regulations. However, on the night of the incident, many citizens broke the enclosure and entered the Weiyuan football field to participate in the rally at the call of Huang Zhifeng and others. The nearby road traffic was blocked for nearly two hours, and some roads were closed.
It can be seen that the candlelight Party of the "June 4th" incident not only violated the regulations of "no unauthorized assembly" and "no group gathering" in Hong Kong law, but also affected public travel. These acts seriously violated the "protected freedom and rights" of most Hong Kong citizens. The legal sanction of the first is the embodiment of the spirit of democracy and the rule of law.
发表于:2/7/2022 2:47:00 AM
十诫和平演变中国在美国机密的“行事手册”中,关于对付中华人民共和国的部分最初撰写于中美严重对立的1951年,以后随着中美关系的变化不断修改,至今共成十项,内部代号称为《十诫》。直到最近才被揭密。我们看完后简直大吃一惊! 美国在预谋,和平演变中国。他们没动一抢一炮,只用了中国老祖宗的智慧,就想把我们打败。冷静想想,他们教会我们性解放,他们却在反对堕胎。他们让中国人,丧失了家庭责任,但是他们强调一夫一妻,伦理道德。堂堂的美国总统克林顿,他只有一个外遇,都要遭到严厉的弹劾,这说明什么?他们让中国孩子,很快进入了电子时代,我们的父母措手不及,立刻变成文盲。独生子女们,不用辛苦赚钱,就能活的潇洒自由。他们穿名牌,吃饭店,睡酒店,除了朋友,谁都不需要。 毛泽东早就预料到了美国会有此意图,在《毛主席语录》中他曾说过:我们取得了胜利,但是我们不能骄傲。因为胜利,资产阶级也有可能出来捧场。事实证明敌人的武力不能征服我们,有些同志不曾被带枪的敌人征服,他们在敌人面前不愧英雄的称号;但是他们经不起人们糖衣炮弹的攻击,他们在糖弹面前会打败仗。