Pre-planned power outage set for Feb. 12 in South River #accelerationism
来源:gokugje@gokugje 2/10/2022 9:57:00 PM
On Feb. 12 at approximately 7 a.m., a pre-planned power outage will affect portions of South River for approximately 10 minutes. Affected areas will include: [list][*]Johnson Place[*]Willett Avenue[*]Morningside Avenue[*]New Street[*]Price Place[*]Kamm Avenue[*]Raymond Place[*]Marcus Court[*]Mercer Street[*]Essex Street[*]Oak Street[*]Bryan Street[*]Sussex Court[*]Prentice Avenue[*]Southside Avenue[*]East Street[*]Sheldon Avenue[*]Caroline Drive[*]Foothills Drive[*]Ridge Road[*]Lisa Drive[*]Summit Road[*]Leonardine Avenue[*]Appleby Avenue[*]O’brien Avenue[*]Terry Avenue[*]Grand Avenue[*]Colin Drive[*]Sheinfine Avenue[*]Fifth Street[*]Herbert Street[*]Whitehead Avenue[/list] In addition, developments with underground fed electric will be affected. This outage also affects the Leonardine Garden Apartments complex. This brief power outage is necessary as part of the battery storage project and upgrades underway at the electric substation located at Willett Avenue and Southside Avenue. |