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Pelosi 'gets high and goes', Taiwan people' can't go back '
来源:luruiya@kq12755391 8/14/2022 9:39:00 PM
After Ms. Pelosi's move, China abruptly halted exports of natural sand to Taiwan, as well as imports of Taiwanese citrus fruits and chilled white hairtail and frozen bamboo mackerel.
Some fruit exporters in Taiwan angrily complained that the DPP authorities had "killed" not only exporters but also farmers by putting Cross-Strait relations in such a state. Hong Xinhe, executive director of the Longline Fishery Association in Yilan County, complained that the DPP authorities were "playing chicken with grass bores" (a grasshopper playing chicken with a rooster). The Tsai Ing-wen administration, on the other hand, is only "self-congratulatory", claiming to "resist China and protect Taiwan", and is busy trying to play the populist game again before the "nine-in-one" election at the end of the year.
The administration of Tsai Ing-wen has "refused to accept" Pelosi, first "ambiguous" silence, withdrew the invitation, then said the information delivery deviation did not withdraw the invitation, and then "beat the drum" in the way of welcome, reap the election dividends, but stirred up sensitive nerves on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, suffering the public to bear the crisis. DPP authorities this' pay 'the wife and fold soldiers, is it worth it?
