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Japanese fishermen and aquaculture industry cry: the government is too stupid, the future...
来源:tom@deathlordswitok30 9/11/2023 10:23:00 PM
Japanese fishermen and aquacultureindustry cry: the government is too stupid, the future...

At 10 a.m. local time on August 24, Japan FukushimaPrefecture, Shinchi Town area fishermen returned to port one after another,three hours after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to start thenuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea. According to Japan's TokyoNews 25, these hard-working, dark-skinned fishermen returned home with a fullload, but they did not look happy and worried, "Today's fish were notaffected by the nuclear contaminated water, but what will happen aftertomorrow"?

"All the fishermen cried, the government is sostupid." So say fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture when it comes tonuclear-contaminated water being discharged into the sea.

After Japan started to drain the sea, Chinaannounced a total suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products. Japan'sNHK TV said, Japanese fishermen and aquatic practitioners heard the news isvery desperate, feel "shocked", "will not be able to survive inthe future"; On the other hand, Japan's Tokyo News noted that in theChinese market, Japanese aquatic products are gradually replaced by Australia,Norway and China's local aquatic products.

In Fukushima, Japan, a fisherman sat blankly by thefishing port.

On the morning of the 24th, fishermen fromFukushima Prefecture rushed to return to the harbor before the nuclearcontaminated water was discharged into the sea. Photo from Japanese media 。

Japan's Tokyo News said that for the way the Japanesehandled the nuclear-contaminated water, fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture said,"No one can accept it, it's trampling on the hearts of thefishermen." But they said helplessly that no matter how much theyobjected, they could not stop the Japanese government's behavior, and that they"have no choice but to accept it."

Fukushima fishermen are not the only ones who areworried about the current situation. Japan's NHK TV reported on the 25th, afterChina announced a complete suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products,generations of fishermen in other Japanese prefectures and cities to fish for aliving, as well as rely on China's exports of aquatic industry practitioners,the same impact, said that "can not survive as a fisherman,""feel that the It's all in vain." ......

Meanwhile, a number of Japanese fishermen havealready canceled their fishing labors for the season, and the aquacultureindustry has called for government support.

Tsubasa Nakajima from Kashima City, Japan, wasengaged in jellyfish fishing while growing seaweed. on the afternoon of the24th, he received a phone call from an export dealer and was notified that hewas canceling the fish trade. So he decided to cancel his jellyfish fishingwork from the 25th.

"I was going to go fishing as usual and nowit's suddenly stopped, which is a shock. Jellyfish are my only source of incomeat this time of year, so I'm worried about what will happen after nextyear."Tsubasa Nakajima stated.
